If you’re a toddler’s mother, then you know that this can be a joyful time for both of you. This is a developmental stage where your young one is soaking up so much information about the world, and they’re probably astonished by a lot of what they see.

As a parent, though, you need to look out for your child even as you teach them about the world. Part of that means making your home as safe as possible for your little one.

Here are some useful home safety tips about which every mother should know.

Cover Electrical Outlets

There’s plenty of home safety equipment that you can install if you have a toddler, but one thing that’s easy to overlook is the proximity of electrical outlets. You never know when your toddler will try sticking some object in those inviting holes.  

There are inexpensive covers that you can get for your electrical outlets that will discourage your toddler from using them as playthings. You can grab some at a hardware store, or buy them on Amazon or another online marketplace.

Doorways to Dangerous Areas

Your toddler is probably eager to open doors and explore every area that they can. You should lock doors that lead places like down to the basement or up to an attic. This will prevent your intrepid explorer from potentially taking a nasty fall.

If those doors don’t lock, consider installing locks on them or putting barriers in place so that they won’t be as accessible.

Safety Gates

Stairways are potentially dangerous for toddlers as well. You can get rid of that risk by installing safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs.

Like the electrical outlet covers, you can buy these gates online, and they’re not too expensive. They’re also usually pretty easy to both assemble and disassemble. Make sure that the ones you get match the dimensions of the doorways in your home.

Monitor Your Toddler During Bath Time

Your toddler might love baths or loath them, but they need tub time to keep them nice and clean. That’s also a time when drowning could potentially happen, though, and that’s a nightmare you never want to experience.

Don’t ever leave your young child alone in the tub. Make sure that you have all of their tub toys, soap, shampoo, etc. handy before setting them in the water. You might think that it’s okay to leave them alone for just a few minutes, but that’s sometimes all the time it takes for a tragedy to occur.

Monitor Your Toddler When They’re Around Pets

If you have a pet, like a dog or a cat, you should keep an eye on the interactions between your toddler and the animal. You’ll need to start explaining to your child, as soon as they’re old enough to understand, that they shouldn’t do things like pull the cat’s tail or stick their fingers in the dog’s eyes.

Usually, animals understand intuitively that this is a young human, and they’re not entirely in control of their actions yet. Many dogs and cats are remarkably patient when toddlers climb all over them, or even when they’re not as gentle as they should be.

Every animal has its breaking point, though. If you feel that your pet is losing patience with your toddler, make sure that you’re there to intervene. You don’t want the animal to scratch or bite your young one, and you want to avoid distress for the family pet as well.

Keep an Eye on Them When They’re in Your Yard

Whether you deem it safe for your toddler to play in your front or back yard, make sure and never leave them unattended. You don’t want them to get stung by a bee, or to wander into a busy street.

As long as you’re there with them, they should be fine, especially if you’re actively engaged in a game or activity alongside them. Don’t get distracted by your phone or something else. Remain attentive and always monitor the yard for dangers.

It’s normal for new parents to be a little overprotective of their toddlers, and it’s also possible to get complacent if this isn’t your first child. It’s best to try and land somewhere in the middle.

You don’t want to be a helicopter parent, but you still want to monitor your toddler as they learn and grow. Strive to be there for them, but also allow some degree of independence.   

Categories: Me

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


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