Everyday life can be stressful. we have so much to do, so many responsibilities and there are only so many hours in a day. It might be hard to take a moment and relax and breathe and this may all get very overwhelming. This stress we experience can lead to anxiety which is not only unhealthy for your mind but also your body and soul. However, it is important to be able to manage and control our stress and anxiety so that we can live a longer and healthier life.

The word ‘zen’ gets bandied about a lot, but what do we mean by that. Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that channels techniques such as meditation to regulate the mind. By introducing more zen principles into our lives we experience a wide range of physical, cognitive, social, spiritual and emotional benefits. 

This will help give you the advice and help you need to add more zen into your daily life and hopefully eliminate stress and anxiety. 

Meditation is one the simplest of things you and anyone can do to help channel their inner zen. Furthermore, you can meditate whenever and wherever. To maximise your experience try to take half an hour a day, in a comfortable location somewhere that makes you feel the most peaceful: long grass outside in the sun, by water, or even in your bedroom.

Meditation is all about thoughtful quiet focus. It is most effective when your environment is as quiet as possible. Sit down. Usually you fold your legs in the lotus position, however sit however you feel most comfortable; you can even lie down if you want to. The aim is to breathe deeply, listen to your breathing, feel free to externalise your thoughts or just focus on one thing. The purpose is to find stillness. After you feel like an adequate amount of time has passed you should hopefully feel lighter, your thoughts less clogs, calm and free.

A regulated sleep cycle is also integral to feeling more zen. Being zen is all about control, letting go of any manic behaviour and instead being more deliberate with our actions in order to have control of our minds. 

Your recommended eight-nine hour sleep is highly important to feeling properly energised. Neglecting shut-eye and not getting enough sleep makes you more tired and lethargic, it can contribute to bouts of stress and anxiety as our brains are working overtime to catch up with our bodies. Falling asleep and waking up can be quite the challenge so using meditation or natural anxiety/sleep aids such as Simply CBD, can help train us to settle the mind and calm the body. A clear mind makes the act of falling asleep such a smoother process and in turn makes sense along up early and starting the day something to look forward to and less of a chore. You’ll find yourself feeling more energised, peaceful and better able to tackle any of life’s problems. To add, it is also highly important that you maintain this sleep pattern regularly to regulate your internal body clock otherwise the body will have to work harder to regulate itself.

Hopefully this has provided some useful insight into gaining more of still and zen ways of living to implement into your own life. Though simple it is often hard sometimes to get the basics down. Hopefully in no time you will see the incredible benefits of being more zen and implement even more zen living into your daily routine!

Categories: Me

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


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