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As a way to make contact with so many people, there is nothing better than a blog. It’s a wonderful way for you to exercise your creativity and get yourself out there by sharing your thoughts on a platform that is inherently you. But the task of being emotional on a block is not just about venting your spleen, but it’s about making sure that, when you are looking to reach the right people, you must realise the importance of the power of your words. What does it really take to create a blog that elicits the same emotions from people that you are getting from yourself? 

Understanding Your Readers’ Needs

Whether you are posting on social media or your own blog, you need to determine the core value of your post, which means going into the needs of your target audience, which will help you to terminate the appropriate topics. What’s more, when you dig deeper into the idea of marketing, and the value of certain keywords, this can help you gain insight into the SEO side of things. While it’s an important part of promoting ourselves, we have got to remember that we cannot undercut the overall emotions of the piece, which is why we should consider our readers’ needs, but make sure they tally up with our own. 

Telling a Story

When we look to create a blog that elicits certain emotions from a reader, we must remember that they are going to feel an affinity with us based on their emotions. This means that storytelling is a skill that you should have, but can learn to build up over time. Sometimes, when we are purely trying to vent our emotions, we should try to not overthink, but in this day and age, where people are scanning articles rather than reading them in-depth, you’ve got to use different tactics to appeal to people. You could format your articles in a certain method, or work with different approaches, for example incorporating a vlog into your written blog. 

Making it Match Your Authentic Voice

Something that can prove difficult to achieve, but one of the best tactics to make sure your blog is aligned with your personality and your tone of voice is to dictate it. We spend so long chewing over certain words in our blog posts, that we think more about editing everything down to its finite points, but this can run the risk of the blog losing its personality. You can use one of the many dictation programs, or you can go and create a video blog. It’s something that many people do because it doesn’t just save time, but it’s a gateway to authenticity.

The art of being emotional on a blog is, ultimately, to push your products forward. But when you are trying to help others, it is vital to remember that authenticity is the overriding goal. Yes, there is a lot to be said for marketing yourself, but this is what search engine optimization and marketing is there for. Sharing your emotions on a blog is about being inherently you.

Categories: Me

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


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