toddler boy in highchair

Some babies start teething when they are four months and others after twelve months. According to the NHS, most infants begin teething at around six months. Teething brings about restless nights, a lot of crying, and drooling. And no matter what trick you try, soothing your infant seems impossible. Given teething pain becomes more prevalent at night, getting your baby to sleep can be difficult. And while teething is hard for all parents, it’s more challenging for single parents. As a single mom or dad, you have to watch your child go through a lot of pain by yourself, which is heartbreaking. Luckily, there are a few natural remedies for soothing your teething baby. Read on to learn how to relieve your baby’s teething pain naturally. 

Massage The Baby’s Gum

Applying pressure on your child’s sore gums is one of the best natural remedies for teething pain and discomfort. All you need to do is massage the gum gently in circular motions using your finger. Ensure you’ve washed your hands and dip your finger in cold water. Avoid using gum gel and paint, as these products’ safety is questionable. When massaging your child’s gum, apply a little pressure throughout the process for about two minutes at a time. This trick helps breakdown the gum tissue hence ease the pain. It is also a sure way of making teething bearable if you start from the moment your baby’s gum becomes tender or swollen. 

Consider Teething Necklaces

Teething necklaces are cute little strands of irregularly shaped orange beads made of Baltic amber. While there is a lot of debate regarding how effective amber necklaces are, many parents recommend using them. So, how do amber teething necklaces work to give your child some relief? Ideally, when your child puts on an amber necklace, their body temperature stimulates the release of succinic acid from the beads. This acid acts as an anti-inflammatory property that reduces pain from aching gums. Keep in mind, finding the right amber teething necklace is the key to reducing teething pain. Also, ensure to follow safety precautions to prevent choking and strangulation. 

Use Teething Toys 

Sometimes chewing on something is the best way for a teething child to get relief. Therefore, consider getting your baby teething toys they can bite or chew when their gums start aching. If you’re worried about your baby’s safety, there are many types of teethers available that contain zero toxins. For example, teething rings made of silicone are a safer option than those made of plastic or latex. You may also want to try wooden teethers. In most cases, wooden teething toys are made of neem wood, which contains health properties that soothe the pain. Wooden teethers also have a visual appeal, as they come in different attractive and fun shapes. 

Teething is a painful process that causes a lot of discomfort to an infant. As teeth begin to erupt from beneath the gum’s surface, the gum becomes tender and starts to ache. To soothe your child, use natural remedies like massaging the gums, natural amber necklaces, and teething toys that are safe to use. 

Categories: Me

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


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