If you’re a mom, you probably want to protect your child more than anything else. The first time you meet them and hold them in your arms, you feel an innate urge to do what’s best for them. This is natural.

However, sometimes accidents do happen, regardless of how good of a mother you are. That’s just the way the world works sometimes. For instance, maybe your child suffers a traumatic brain injury.

If so, it’s distressing, but you have to try and guide them through it as best you can. Your child will rely on you more than ever during the recovery period, and you have to be there for them. Here are some ways to do that.

Learn as Much About Traumatic Brain Injuries as You Can

This is a time when you must inform yourself. No two traumatic brain injuries are the same, but they’re relatively common. US hospitals admit 564,000 children every year for head injuries.

These might be because of:

  • Sports
  • A car accident
  • A slip and fall
  • A falling object     

To help your child, you should learn as much about these injuries as you can. That way, you’ll know what to expect, and you can be ready to lend the support they’ll need.

Take Them to the Best Doctors

You might have a trusted family doctor, and you may take your child to see them immediately when they injure themselves. However, your primary doctor might not be an expert with this injury type.

They might be able to recommend a specialist to you, though. If you trust them, then you can follow up on that recommendation without delay.

If they don’t have anyone in mind, then you’ll need to do a little research. Find a head injury doctor who:

  • Has excellent online feedback
  • Has lots of experience with both head injuries and children
  • Is close to you geographically

Once you find them, take your child to them and see what your impression of them is. You want someone well-informed, but who knows how to talk to children and has an exemplary bedside manner.

Learn What Your Child’s Options Are

As we stated before, few traumatic brain injuries are exactly alike. That is because there might be damage to different brain sections.

Because of this, treatment for one traumatic brain injury might not be the same as for another. What works for one young person might not be the way to go for your son or daughter.

Learn from your doctor whether the damage is permanent, or whether your child will eventually recover fully. If there is permanent damage, ask them whether special classes will be necessary if they can no longer learn at the same rate as the other kids.

You may need to enroll them in a special school or get a tutor for them. You’ll need to research and possibly get multiple opinions.

Be There for Your Child

This might be one of the most challenging times of your child’s life. They may understand that they’re not the same as before the injury, and coping might be tough for them.

They may be very emotional about it, and rightly so. They may feel bitter or frustrated if they can’t do the same things they once could, or if they can’t learn as fast as their classmates.

You’ll need to be their rock, their emotional support. Since this is probably a difficult time for you as well, you’ll need to put a brave face on things. It won’t help if they can’t turn to you to be their strength.

Show Them Your Love

One more thing you can do is demonstrate with your every word and action that you still love them and support them unconditionally. You might see them struggling, and it may be painful for you to watch. You have to make them understand that you’re still in their corner, and you’ll help them get through this.

If they see that you still care about them every bit as much as you did before the injury, then that should comfort them. Traumatic brain injuries can change a child, but they still have a life waiting for them, with you as a part of it.

Spending quality time together can really help. Reading books to your child, playing with sensory toys or listening to familiar music can all help to maintain that bond between you.

Your child will appreciate your words and actions during this time more than you know. You can be there for them as they overcome this challenge and find new ways to get along in the world.

Categories: Me

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


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