As parents, we always want what is best for our children. As a single parent, you face more challenges with trying to make sure you can be everywhere and do everything for and with your children by yourself. It is easy to get stressed out and overwhelmed by the weight of things. 

Education is something that every parent wants to give their children, to equip them with knowledge so that they can build upon their skills and create a successful future. Parents are the first teachers that their child knows, learns from, and trusts, so it is important to create an intentional and impactful path for achievement. 

Music is a truly wonderful way to boost your child’s confidence and self-esteem while also providing numerous other benefits. Before children can talk, many are introduced to music as a way to help express themselves while having fun. But there are many other helpful tools your children can use throughout their life with help from music, which is why you should be sure to include it within their lives.


We all have emotions and sometimes they involve having very strong feelings. Music is a great factor in assisting with coping with feelings as well as having the ability to express those feelings a certain way. Music evokes emotions within everyone. 

You can easily teach your children how to identify and understand what they are feeling through the use of music, which not only aids your child with coping but helps them to express their feelings to others. 


If your children play instruments or get help with singing and vocal coaching, part of this education will include the need to practice. Scheduling time for practicing is part of a well-structured routine, and also provides your children with the discipline to make habits in order to pursue perfecting their craft. 

Routines are important to establish within your children’s lives because it will benefit them later in life when they need to create one independently for their daily tasks, chores, and set themselves up to reach their goals. As a parent, you can give them that independence early in life to create their own routine to follow early on when they set aside time for practicing music. 


Music is a wonderful booster of self-esteem and assists children with gaining more confidence in themselves. When your children work hard taking music lessons, they work to develop their skills and excel at something. As they move from the beginner stages to more intermediate and advanced techniques, they receive the added benefit of feeling more comfortable and confident in their environment. This can be attributed to them seeing their progress and having it create a positive effect on their self-esteem. 

As their confidence builds, they increase their likelihood of building upon more abilities that they may not have normally have had the courage to try their skills with. Trying new things and experiences is a part of growing. Music lessons will help diminish the fear of going for something and can create a really great habit within children to always be willing to try new things instead of shying away from them. 


Adapting socially within groups is always a challenge, particularly because it can be intimidating and knowing ‘what to say’ is a struggle. When children take on music instruction, they are equipped with the knowledge of language, or how to relate to others through communication. 

Music shows a way of creating connections with others, sometimes even on a deeper level. It teaches children to have compassion and empathy, giving them key abilities to be able to read people. This helps children in social situations to not only make friends but lasting ones. 


There are scientific studies that have demonstrated the effects of music on a person’s brain. A study that was performed at the University of Southern California’s Brain and Creativity Institute found that musical experiences in childhood can actually accelerate the cognitive brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills. 

When studying an instrument or singing, your brain is required to work the parts that develop memory and retention as well as reading and comprehension, and even some cases, math. All of these developments within the brain will directly affect your children’s academics by helping them utilize those parts of the brain in practice on a consistent basis.


A wonderful additional part of your children studying music is that it is fun and imaginative. Creativity encourages your children to use their imaginations in other areas such as songwriting or composition and can develop strong-minded personalities, putting their own uniqueness into projects and seeing them through. 

Music is also very fun, especially for children when they are at a young age. When learning is fun it seems less like work, and it is always helpful with children to make things as fun and provide entertainment whenever possible. 


There are many benefits that stem from bringing music into your children’s lives. When there is so much improvement and growth that can come from taking music lessons, it is difficult to find a reason not to incorporate it. Music should hold an essential place in educating your children. Research by Kelley and Sutton-Smith shows us that families who are more musically oriented are more developed in their behavior than those without music. The biggest takeaway is that there are no negative aspects of providing your children with music education, so encourage music as part of your children’s upbringing and enjoy the positivity that comes from it!

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


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