Note: this post is an advertisement in collaboration with Rennie. I have been compensated for my time.

Every pregnancy is different, and I have to say I was very lucky in my pregnancy with S. I have friends who have suffered with hyperemesis gravidarum (where “morning sickness” becomes “all day sickness for nine months”). I know people who had high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, terrible headaches, and all sorts of terrible things that really made them miserable.

Although my pregnancy was beset with issues regarding my relationship, the actual pregnancy was thankfully fairly straightforward. I was very lucky in that the only real problems I had were an itchy rash around my middle and heartburn – both quite annoying, but neither of any real danger to either mine or S’s health.

The rash was terribly itchy, but once I realised I could ease it by putting porridge oats in the bath (yes, really!) I was fine.

The heartburn was one of those things that began as a minor inconvenience, but soon became quite demoralising. Each thing I ate had the potential to cause that burning feeling in my chest and throat; I found myself questioning whether I really wanted to bother eating it! 

What causes heartburn during pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy can be a real concern. Although in itself it doesn’t pose a threat to either mother or baby, it can mean an expectant mother avoids eating certain foods, and can affect her mood too. According to Rennie, heartburn affects 72% of women in their third trimester. It is caused by hormones produced during pregnancy which can slow down digestion and cause the muscular valve between the oesophagus and the stomach to relax. This means that stomach acid can leak from the stomach into the oesophagus and cause that tell-tale burning pain in the chest and throat. And of course, as the baby grows and puts more pressure on the internal organs, this can cause more acid to be forced into the oesophagus.

Can you take Rennie during pregnancy?

The good news is that as long as it’s taken according to the instructions, Rennie can be taken during pregnancy. Of course, it is important to speak to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine during pregnancy. Rennie is an antacid-based calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate formula which acts physically on the stomach rather than by entering the bloodstream. It neutralises excess acid in the stomach, turning it into water and other natural substances that the body can easily evacuate.

Your best pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time, and a woman’s body goes through lots of changes. The hormones we produce to help with the process of growing and giving birth to a baby can cause other things to happen in the body that we perhaps weren’t expecting! Things like skin pigmentation, heartburn and the weird rash I got all over my stomach are not mentioned in the TV shows!

When you’re pregnant you want to enjoy the experience, not worry about whether you should eat that food or how long you need to wait after eating before you can lay down. It is supposed to be a fun and exciting time, and for those experiencing their first pregnancy it’s often a period of enjoying things like holidays and quiet evening restaurant meals before becoming a parent makes them more tricky. Nobody wants to even have to consider something like heartburn – which is why Rennie can be so helpful in allowing you to get back to the important business of enjoying those precious nine months before everything changes!

This post is in conjunction with Rennie® but all thoughts are my own.

Rennie Peppermint for heartburn and indigestion. Rennie Liquid Heartburn Relief Oral Suspension. Rennie Heartburn, Indigestion & Wind Relief Chewable Tablets. Always read the label. Medicines can affect the unborn baby. Always talk to your pharmacist or doctor before taking any medicine in pregnancy.

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


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