While all kids are different, it would be fair to say that on the most part cultural city breaks are lost on little people. Offer them a break with sun, sea and sand and they will accept with open arms. A trip around a concrete jungle, which can be what city life appears like for little eyes, isn’t quite so appealing.

Of course, when they grow older they start to understand the lure of these cities and for the purposes of today, London. In fact, nowadays it is becoming much more child-friendly although rather than look at some of the attractions you can turn to, the rest of today’s post will discuss some of the best pieces of advice to make the day run smoothly when you travel there with your children.

Target the tourist areas

First and foremost, the tourist areas are probably your friend for these trips. After all, these are the areas which are designed to appeal to families, and ultimately keep everyone entertained. Covent Garden is the obvious choice here and whether it’s from the plays in the region, right the way to the food (more on that later), this is something that will most probably prolong the attention span of your little companions.

Understand that you will be making compromises

In an ideal world, particularly with the festive season almost upon us, you would probably be heading in shop after shop and taking full advantage of London.

Suffice to say, this isn’t necessarily an option when you head there with the kids. Sure, it is possible, but it comes at a cost. As such, while you might be able to get away with a bit of shopping, understand that this is a day trip where you will both have to make compromises.

Plan your day strategically

This next suggestion is probably the most important thing that will be spoken about today.

The thought of hitting London in a military-style operation might not sound very appealing in your regular trip, whereby you travel with your friends, partner or anyone else, but when it comes to the children you do need to plan shrewdly.

Planning to get on the tube at rush hour? Think again. This is something that is going to involve cramped travel, which is hardly ideal with tired kids. Not only that, but the chances of long waits are simply multiplied, so do your utmost to travel on public transport during non-peak hours.

…And this includes restaurants

Following on from the above, this advice applies to restaurants (perhaps even more so).

Again, rush hour (in restaurant terms at least) is something that needs to be avoided like the plague. Heading over to a restaurant at 12.30 is asking for a busy environment and as we all know, this isn’t ideal with children.Instead, plan to arrive just before the lunch hour rush, or just after. Not only will you avoid those frustrating waits for a seat, but you will also get your food a lot quicker.

Categories: Uncategorized

Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.


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