I have had a copy of Liane Moriarty’s The Husband’s Secret sitting on my shelf for months, but for some reason I had never picked it up. The other week, I decided to give it a go… and I couldn’t put it down! 

In the space between reading this book and writing this review, I’ve read several of Liane Moriarty’s books – they’re that good!

This book is about a woman who seems to have it all. She’s a successful Tupperware saleswoman and president of the P&C. Her husband goes away on a business trip, and while he’s away she finds a letter he’s written to her, to be opened only in the event of his death. When she asks him about it, and he reacts badly, she begins to get suspicious.

And so, we have the husband’s secret – but what is it? The story carries on from the points of view of a couple of other women who all live nearby, and whose stories eventually intertwine. I really don’t want to say any more than that for fear of spoiling any aspect of the story for you if you decide to read the book. Suffice to say, it’s a cracking read that keeps you guessing until the surprise at the end. 

I honestly found this book amazing; it was so easy to read and I was desperate to know the ending. I found myself doing that thing where you walk between rooms while still reading. Liane Moriarty’s books seem to be becoming more and more popular these days, especially since Big Little Lies was made into a TV show. Personally I think that’s a good thing. 


 Thanks for reading.

You can read my other book reviews here.


Vicky Charles

Vicky is a single mother, writer and card reader.

1 Comment

Tina · 20/05/2017 at 09:08

This was the first book I’ve read by Liane Moriarty, and I loved it! I went on to buy a few more of her books, which I haven’t had a chance to read all of them. I read “Three wishes” and loved it just as much!

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